Laiškas Europos parlamentarams apie Ukrainą

Einate, paspaudžiate kam siunčiate, užrašote vardą/pavardę/emeilą ir siunčiate:

Kartojat kitam gavėjui.

Kol atsibos.

P.S. Tekstą galite redaguoti. Čia jums pora greitosiomis suruoštų zagatovkių:


I <Vardas Pavardė> apply to you. To parliamentarian of Europe. To your conciseness.

Please hear Ukraine. Please hear people of Ukraine.

Ukrainian people being murdered by criminals.

Ukrainian people need help!


Please read this. This is how Ukrainian people struggle for their freedom.

Translation from one of the Maidan activists Yulia Babich letter:

Just a few words, since now it’s not FB I care most about…
But I cannot keep silent about the fact, that I live among the most wonderful people in the Universe…
Yesterday they took me away from the Maidan… Nobody listened to my „I won‘t go“…  they cursed me a great deal and pushed out of the burning Trade Union House…
In the nick of time…
When leaving, a grenade had exploded nearly in a meter from me…

During those minutes I did realize what are friends for. They don’t have to be near at all times, but they always are when there’s a need…

No, I didn’t run away from the Maidan…
I dragged against his will a wounded soldier to a hospital…
Despite two wounds and almost 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) fever and barely able to stand, he still wanted to stay and resist…
Almost black from soot, in a armor vest, with a helmet…
He wasn’t afraid, he simply could not care less…

Rail car… Free of charge…
Clean, well-groomed people entered the car together with us…
I didn’t expect such reaction…
Someone suggested to soldier to bend his head, so nobody would see his black face…
Someone just positioned himself to cover him from unnecessary eyes…
Someone came and said “thanks”… And helped to cross the street…

Friends of friends took us in, I’ve never seen them before in my life, and I never felt safer…

And, it’s been a day, since we are staying with them… At a very small apartment…
They will have to clean their bath from our soot for a long time, but they don’t complain…
They don’t complain that the whole place reeks of medicines…

While today a doctor… one of the best in his field… called in to check the wounded…
And refused to accept a single penny… He just asked: will we manage, will we survive…
“But of course”, said my fighter…
While I just hugged the old doctor. He went through Afghanistan, Chechnya, now he goes through Ukraine…

PS. Our fighter is much better. Tomorrow I’m going to Maidan…


I am Lithuanian. We are one of the youngest members of EU.

We fought for that right >20 years ago! We won!

People are fighting in Ukraine for their freedom now! That happens here – in Europe!

People are murdered in Ukraine!

Please do something to stop the massacre!

People are shot by a snipers and machine guns:

These, who been shot, who are with home-made shields, in improvised formations, armed only with a sticks and with the faith for freedom are regular Ukrainian people:

Translation from one of the Maidan activists Yulia Babich letter:

Just a few words, since now it’s not FB I care most about…
But I cannot keep silent about the fact, that I live among the most wonderful people in the Universe…
Yesterday they took me away from the Maidan… Nobody listened to my „I won‘t go“…  they cursed me a great deal and pushed out of the burning Trade Union House…
In the nick of time…
When leaving, a grenade had exploded nearly in a meter from me…

During those minutes I did realize what are friends for. They don’t have to be near at all times, but they always are when there’s a need…

No, I didn’t run away from the Maidan…
I dragged against his will a wounded soldier to a hospital…
Despite two wounds and almost 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) fever and barely able to stand, he still wanted to stay and resist…
Almost black from soot, in a armor vest, with a helmet…
He wasn’t afraid, he simply could not care less…

Rail car… Free of charge…
Clean, well-groomed people entered the car together with us…
I didn’t expect such reaction…
Someone suggested to soldier to bend his head, so nobody would see his black face…
Someone just positioned himself to cover him from unnecessary eyes…
Someone came and said “thanks”… And helped to cross the street…

Friends of friends took us in, I’ve never seen them before in my life, and I never felt safer…

And, it’s been a day, since we are staying with them… At a very small apartment…
They will have to clean their bath from our soot for a long time, but they don’t complain…
They don’t complain that the whole place reeks of medicines…

While today a doctor… one of the best in his field… called in to check the wounded…
And refused to accept a single penny… He just asked: will we manage, will we survive…
“But of course”, said my fighter…
While I just hugged the old doctor. He went through Afghanistan, Chechnya, now he goes through Ukraine…

PS. Our fighter is much better. Tomorrow I’m going to Maidan…





Kruvini įvykiai Ukrainoje

Vakar prasidėjo Kijevo nepriklausomybės aikštės (arba “Майдан Незалежности“) šturmas.

Janushesku nutarė žudyti žmones masiškai. Panašu, kad yra įspraustas į kampą.

Visą naktį tęsėsi kruvini susidūrimai, gaisrai. Sužeista tūkstančiai žmonių.

Tai yra tėvas ir sūnus vakar vakare.
Tai yra tėvas ir sūnus vakar vakare. Содель Влад nuotrauka.
“Друзья, на вот этих фотографиях преподаватель ФТИ, доктор технических наук, профессор, член НАН Украины, старший научный сотрудник Кузнецов Михаил Юрьевич. И судя по всему его сын.”
Atkreipkite dėmesį į moters striukę. Šviežia, šio ryto nuotrauka..
Atkreipkite dėmesį į moters striukę. Šviežia, šio ryto nuotrauka.

Mes galime padėti Ukrainos žmonėms.

Galime padėti labai paprastai: pasidalinkite šiuo youtube video įrašu:

Taip pat galite paaukoti Ukrainos laisvės kovotojams. Padėkime jiems! Parodykime, kad jie ne vieni!

Ukrainai reikia pagalbos!

Lietuvoje turėtum būti labai asocialus, kad nežinotum apie įvykius Ukrainoje. Šią “on-line” revoliuciją kiek galiu stebiu aš ir daugelis kitų protingų ir adekvačių žmonių.

Į Ukrainos valdžią atėję nusikaltėliai valdo šalį savo kriminalinėmis poniatkėmis. Žmonės išėjo protestuoti. Žmonės šąla ir protestuoja “Maidan’o” aikštėje jau keletą mėnesių. Juos kankina, žudo ir kitaip terorizuoja Janushesku.

Ukrainos laisvės kovotojams reikia pagalbos! Janushesku užvaldęs visą didžiąją Ukrainos žiniasklaidą, todėl reikia socialinės medijos pagalbos.

Čia yra kvadratinėmis raidėmis parašyta, jog tai yra “liaudies ligoninė”.

“Liaudies ligonine” tai vadinasi vien dėl to, kad ant žodžio “Maidan” stovi Janushesku filtras ir dėl jo gali puslapiuką uždaryti (neklauskite kaip – taip kalba žmonės Ukrainoje kovojantys dėl laisvės).

Reikia palaikinti ir pašarinti. Šiuo kanalu ta ligoninė renka savanorišką pagalbą (medikamentus ir panašius dalykus).

Ši ligoninė veikianti ir gelbsti gyvybes. O yra žmonių, norinčių padėti protestuotojams Ukrainoje, bet nežino kur tiksliai kreiptis ir kuo geriausia padėti. Per čia geriausia yra tai sužinoti ir aukoti.


Liaudies ligoninė
Liaudies ligoninė